Has Hayfever Hit Your House?


A friend of mine told me that hayfever had hit her house and so she was having air-conditioning installed. There is much a mother will do to improve her child’s life; that’s what I did and ended up developing it into a small business. I’m passionate about how we can all improve our indoor living air quality because that’s the air we breathe in the most every day so why fill it with more chemicals then is necessary?

The increased use of anti-bacterial products in our homes is predicted to cause even more of us to suffer gut problems and to have increased allergies as we are killing off the helpful bacteria our body usually produces. When I was a busy working mum, I thought how great to have a spray to kill off surface germs and used it liberally around my home. I didn’t read the label telling me to wipe it off with clear water and then to leave the surface dry. And, that’s the problem with many of our household products, we don’t read the labels and those aspects of the products aren’t highlighted in the advertising. We just hear, “This will save you time”, “This will make your lives easier” etc.

I did spend the time when I’d stopped working full-time a few years ago, to check out what was in my household products and was shocked. I stopped using many of them overnight and started researching more natural alternatives and now I have my own range of cleaning products called “Just PrimalĀ®” that have been tried and tested over the last 7 years in my cleaning business.Ā  I also looked at how to reduce the potentially harmful chemicals that my skin comes into contact with and supplement my cleaning products with healthier well-being and personal care products. They are not necessarily going to stop your hayfever symptoms, but having a clearer indoor breathing space and having a stronger resistance system will help our bodies do what they can do best and protect us.

Follow me at @wendygoesgreen or visit my website http://www.wendygoesgreen.co.uk